Monday, April 18, 2011

What is Communication?

Communication is the process of transmitting information from one person to other or from a person to many.

Communication types

Communication is of three types:

1. Interpersonal Communication
2.Intra-personal Communication
3. Mass communication

Communication Models

1.Aristotle's   Model: He defined communication as rhetoric and segmented the communication process in three steps like Speech-making or speaker, subject and the person addressed. The person end  at the determines weather communication has or will take place.

Three elements
·         Speaker
·         Subject
·         Person address

2.Lasswell's model: He said communication only takes place when it can answer questions like Who, Says what, In which Channel, To whom, With what effect?

He also emphasizes on an effect at the end of the procedure of communication.

Lasswell, communication occurs when:
·         a source sendds a message
·         through a medium
·         to a receiver
·         producing some effect

3.Shannon and Weaver's Model: He explain communication process with diagrams and the elements that are included in the diagrams are:

Information source, message, Transmitter, signal, Noise source, received signal, receiver, message and destination.

Shannon and Weaver’s Model elements:
·         The communication
·         The information
·         The Message
·         The Transmitter
·         The Channel
·         The Destination
·         Noise(this concept first intruduced by Shannon and Weaver)

Schramm's Model of mass communication: According to him communication only takes place if there is a common field of understanding. This model  involves the elements of source, encoder, signal, decoder, destination and field of experience.

The Hub Model: Hub's Model shows communication process as circular, dynamic and an ongoing process.  Feedback is described as an echo of the communication that has taken place with the audience.

What is Mass Communication?

 The procedure to transmit information to the mass people with the help of print media and electronic media is called mass communication.

Nature of the mass communicator

1.Formal Organization
2.The gatekepeers
3.Operating Expenses
4.Competing for profit

Mass Communication as a process

five distinct stages in Mass Communication process

·         A message is formulated by professional communicators
·         Rapid and Continous dissemination
·         Large and Diverse (Mass) audience
·         Achiving similarties of meaning
·         Influencing people

How to use Mass Media

people use mass media for:
·         Cognition
·         Diversion
·         social Utility
·         withdrawal

Functions of Mass Communication for Society
·         Surveillance
·         Interpretation
·         Linkage
·         Transmission of Value
·         Entertainment

Media Demassification

The idea that the mass audience is the largest number of people who can be assembled to hear mass message is changing. most media today seek narrow audience segments.
Media Conglomeration
A process of mergers, acquisitions and buyouts that consolidates that ownership of the media into fewer companies.
Media globalization
A trend that is changing the structure of the mass media worldwide. Media globalization
means international media ownership.
Media Melding
the different mass media are moving into digital transmission, which is eroding the differences between them. the technological melding is being accelerated by the continuing consolidation of companies that qown the mass media.

Mass Media Models

Scholar have devised numerous ways to dissect and categorize the mass media. these includes:
·         Hot-cool Model
·         Entertainment-Information Model
·         Elitist-populist Model
·         Pull-push Model

National Shaeed Minar


Shaheed Minar monument built in memory of the mother language martyrs, who were killed on 21 February 1952 during the language movement. A memorial to the martyrs was built immediately after the killings, on 23 February 1952.
The planning, selection of the site and the construction work of the memorial were done on the initiative of the students of Dhaka Medical College. The small structure of the first memorial the original Minar measured 10 feet by 6 feet was constructed at the spot where the shootings had taken place the south-eastern corner of the present Shaheed Minar premises. Immediately after construction, a plate with the words ' Shahid Smrtistambha' (monument in the memory of the martyrs) was affixed to the monument.
The memorial became a focal point for the city dwellers and became the symbol of protests. People thronged there in groups. The memorial was formally inaugurated by Abul kalam shamsuddina, the then editor of the daily AZAD, on the morning of 26 February.
The Central Shaheed Minar was designed by Hamidur Rahman, the pioneer of the new painting movement in the then East Pakistan. It focuses the language movement as the central concept.


There are many straight, horizontal and vertical lines. The basic horizontal and vertical forms of the Shaheed Minar express the concept of Bengali solidarity and unity for their national identity. The vertical lines of the design indicate the inner strength of the nation. The four columns on both sides of the structure suggest the balance and harmony of a united stand. Thus the Shaheed Minar is not only a mausoleum but also a symbol of our national hope and inspiration. On the back have a full circle shape. The circle shape indicates all people of Bangladeshi of the saving mother language.

Color used red. The red is the symbol of the sacrifices of the mother language martyrs who laid down their lives. The red color behind the pillars represents a new sun rise for the nation.
The shaheed minar is a wonderful glory and great pride in our national life. It was built to commemorate the memory of the martyrs who laid down their lives in 1952 for the cause of our mother tongue. It is of great importance and significance in our national life. It symbolizes our Bangali solidarity and nationalism. We remember the sacrifice of the martyrs with pride and gratitude.

On my perspective view that the shaheed minar look like a family member. Parents & son stay together with proud.

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